Sensitive Stories
Joanna has published 3 books over the last 5 years, with her newest book being released October 2022.
Each book is written with a specific need in mind and has been created imaginatively and in a child centrered age appropriate way.
To me you will always!
Joanna is an Arts therapist who works with children who are going through the trauma of grief and loss. For Joanna, writing this book has been a wonderful experience, it has been inspired by amazing children and families and Joanna is so excited that it might help other children in the future.
Katy Crabbe Katy is an artist and has a background working in the NHS. Katy has cared for many children and families who have experienced loss or are going through the complex emotions of bereavement and hopes this book might help children.
“I’ll start new adventures, drawings and songs, Although my heart longs…. To be with you!” The story inspires conversations, activities and empathy. It is written in a compassionate way to support children to come to process the trauma of grief. The story enlightens and highlights the theme of beauty in endless love.

Piper's Voice
Piper’s voice really encapsulates the emotions that come with finding yourself unable to speak due to anxiety.
Joanna has a wonderful way of finding the beauty in the uncomfortable and encouraging expressiveness through arts.
This book journeys with a young girl retelling her story through her imaginary friend Piper.
Written by Joanna Turner, an arts psychotherapist and parent of a young child with selective mutism. Joanna encapsulated the highs and lows of Piper’s experience of selective mutism through the eyes of a young girl. Piper faces the upset and fears that come with not being able to speak. His family and friends support Piper to learn more about anxieties and encourage Piper to express himself in beautiful ways. Jonathon has done a wonderful job in bringing Piper and all the characters to life in his wonderful illustrations.

Me and My Puzzle.
Me and my puzzle is a story about the difficulties of domestic abuse, fostering and adoption.
It tells the difficult tale of a small hedgehog who has seen awful things. He must leave and start a new journey, putting together the pieces of his puzzle on his way.
Written by Joanna Turner, an arts psychotherapist.
Joanna has been able to identify key issues around trauma and
Explores them through creative means for young children. The story was inspired by children Joanna has worked with and illustrates their journey
through this children’s story. Joanna illustrated the book using ideas from children she has worked with.