To all the Parents
of kids with ‘Superpowers’: I hear you
I hear you: When you cry into your pillow
Or your mug of coffee on the way to work,
I hear you: when you fear others will see your kid
And laugh or smirk.
I hear you: When school say
“You are involved too much”
But you can see your child,
Is crying for ‘YOUR touch’.
I hear you: When you see your child
Frozen in fear
Yet some ‘staff’ say
“No, I’ll go… you wait here”.
I hear you: When your told
“Don’t put pressure on, just let them be”
Then conflicting advice
“Small steps, exposures, that’s the key”.
I hear you: When your mind and heart are full
When your brain goes completely numb
And the thoughts…
…won’t come
I hear you: When your child screams through the night
With thoughts whizzing around their head
You snuggle them close , hold them tight,
and Invite them in your bed.
I hear you: When you say – you can’t come in
Please please, No more
I know my child, they need me now,
Its time to close our door.
I hear you: When you think
That love, peace and nurture are all gone
When targets take over
And the systems are all wrong.
I hear you : when you know
Your child really wants to thrive
And be free from everything -
That eats them up inside.
I hear you: When you hold their pain
And see it in their mind
All you want is someone..
To please be kind.
I hear you: When your voice hurts from saying
All the things your child is unable.
When their superpowers begin to fade
And you are both sick – of ‘that label’.
I hear you : when you are told “they just need love”
Or when you are told , “they need to rise above”
You hadn’t thought of love you see…
… oh goodness me….
I hear you: when your child’s told to be ‘brave’
The child who has already had to come out of the darkest cave.
I hear you: when someone says
“The mum is the cause at home
The reason her child wont talk..
… at school, shops or on the phone”.
I hear you: when you ask your child about their day
When they say “my superpowers ran out-
I couldn’t talk or play”
When they feel so unsure, that they scream and shout
For deep inside themselves, their self belief is in doubt.
I hear you: When you snuggle your child in tight
Confirming their dreams and wishes
And holding their hope in sight.
I hear you: When all you need
Is someone saying “I’m here –
come in, the kettles on
please don’t live in fear”.
I hear you: when someone holds your hand
And says welcome to this special land
For you have come to a place few get to visit,
Your child’s love, fun, crazy spirit.
I hear you: Amazing Mums